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长聘副教授,博导/硕导,主要围绕新型亚稳态含能复合物的研发及应用开展研究工作。已发表SCI论文50余篇,以第一或通讯作者在Combust. Flame.、Adv. Energy Mater.、Nano Energy和Physical Review B等期刊上发表论文18篇。作为项目负责人,先后主持国家级科研项目8项(包括国家自然科学基金项目青年项目1项、装备预研基金3项、爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室基金1项等),企业横向课题2项,完成技术成果转化1项。获省部级技术发明二等奖1项。
2011.09-2015.12 康斯坦茨大学(德国)理学博士
2008.09-2011.07 郑州大学 理学硕士
2004.09-2008.07 郑州大学 理学学士
2022.07—至今 yl6809永利官网,yl6809永利官网,长聘副教授,博士生导师
2020.07-2022.06 yl6809永利官网,yl6809永利官网,助理教授,博士生导师
2018.04-2020.06 yl6809永利官网,yl6809永利官网,助理教授,硕士生导师
2016.03-2018.03 中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所,博士后
[1]Zhihua Zhuang, Kedong Xu, Baozhen Liu, Yi Shi, Shukui Li, Zhaohu Liu, Chuan He*, Jinxu Liu*, Improved reactivity and energy release performance of core-shell structured fuel-rich Si/PTFE energetic composites. Combustion and Flame 2023, 255, 112889.
[2]Min Yang, Jinxu Liu*, Shukui Li, Song Zhang, Yingchun Wang, Chuan He*, Ultrafast synthesis of graphene nanosheets encapsulated Si nanoparticles via deflagration of energetic materials for lithium-ion batteries. Nano Energy 2019, 65, 104028.
[3]Chuan He, Changbao Han, Guangqin Gu, Tao Jiang, Baodong Chen, Zhenliang Gao, Zhong Lin Wang*, Hourglass triboelectric nanogenerator as a “Direct Current” power source. Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 1700644.
[4]Shengping Si, Chuan He*, Shuang Liu, Bojian Fan, Ruyue Xie, Xinying Xue, Jinxu Liu*, Influence of impact velocity on impact-initiated reaction behavior of Zr-Ti-Nb alloy. Materials and Design 2022, 220, 110846.
[5]Zhouyang Wu, Jinxu Liu*, Song Zhang, Xianqing Liu, Xiao Xu, Weizhe Ma, Shukui Li, Chuan He*, Enhanced thermal- and impact-initiated reactions of PTFE/Al energetic materials through ultrasonic-assisted core-shell construction. Defence Technology 2022, 18 (8), 1362-1368.
[6]Min Yang, Jinxu Liu*, Shukui Li, Song Zhang, Zhihua Zhuang, Yingchun Wang, Chuan He*, Self-sustained solid-state exothermic reaction for scalable graphene production. Materials and Design 2020, 196, 109135.
[7]Jia Lan, Jinxu Liu*, Song Zhang, Xinying Xue, Chuan He*, Zhouyang Wu, Min Yang, Shukui Li, Influence of multi-oxidants on reaction characteristics of PTFE-Al-XmOY reactive material. Materials and Design 2020, 186, 108325.
[8]Chuan He, Weijun Zhu, Guangqin Gu, Tao Jiang, Liang Xu, Baodong Chen, Changbao Han, Dichen Li, Zhong Lin Wang*, Integrative square-grid triboelectric nanogenerator as a vibrational energy harvester and impulsive force sensor. Nano Research 2017, 11, 1157-1164.
[9]Chuan He, Weijun Zhu, Baodong Chen, Liang Xu, Tao Jiang, Changbao Han, Guangqin Gu, Dichen Li, Zhong Lin Wang*, Smart floor with integrated triboelectric nanogenerator as energy harvester and motion sensor. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 , 26126-26133.
[10]Chuan He*, Oliver Ristow, Martin Grossmann, Delia Brick, Yuning Guo, Martin Schubert, Mike Hettich, Vitalyi Gusev, Thomas Dekorsy, Acoustic waves undetectable by transient reflectivity measurements. Physical Review B 2017, 95, 184302. (Editors’ Suggestion)
[11]Chuan He, Martin Grossmann, Delia Brick, Martin Schubert, Sergei Novikov, C. Thomas Foxon, Vitalyi Gusev, Anthony Kent, Thomas Dekorsy, Study of confined coherent acoustic phonon modes in a free-standing cubic GaN membrane by femtosecond spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters 2015, 107, 112105.
[12]Chuan He, Marcus Daniel, Martin Grossmann, Oliver Ristow, Delia Brick, Martin Schubert, Manfred Albrecht, Thomas Dekorsy, Dynamics of coherent acoustic phonons in thin films of CoSb3 and partially filled YbxCo4Sb12 skutterudites. Physical Review B 2014, 89, 174303.
[13]Chuan He, Zhong Lin Wang*, Triboelectric nanogenerator as a new technology for effective PM2.5 removing with zero ozone emission. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 2018, 28, 99-112.