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主持2021-2023国家自然基金青年项目,是结构可控先进功能材料与绿色应用北京市重点实验室成员。主讲本科生课程《固体物理》、《无机材料物理性能与表征(全英文)》、《科技论文写作与检索实践》、《数据与情报》等,至今发表学术论文50余篇,包括Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Adv. Mater., ACS Catal., ACS Nano, Nano Res.等,H-Index 19,并为1本专著撰写章节。兼任国内外高水平期刊ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., Chem. −Eur. J., Nano Res., Sci. China Mater.等独立审稿人。
2006-2010 南开大学化学学院,理学学士
2010-2015 清华大学化学系,理学博士
2014.08-2015.01 东京大学化工系,交流学生
2015-2017 日本国立物质材料研究所(NIMS),博士后研究员
2021-至今 yl6809永利官网,长聘副教授,博士生导师
1. Rong, H.; Ji, S.*; Zhang, J.*; Wang, D.*; Li, Y., Synthetic Strategies of Supported Atomic Clusters for Heterogeneous Catalysis. Nature Communications, 11, 5884 (2020).
2. Zhang, E.#; Wang, T.#; Yu, K.#; Liu, J.; Chen, W.; Li, A.; Rong, H.*; Lin, R.; Ji, S.; Zheng, X.; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L.; Chen, C.; Wang, D.*; Zhang, J.*; Li, Y.*, Bismuth Single Atoms Resulting from Transformation of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Their Use as Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141, 16569 (2019). ESI highly cited paper and hot paper.
3. Rong, H.#; Mao, J.#; Xin, P.; He, D.; Chen, Y.; Wang, D.*; Niu, Z.; Wu, Y.; Li, Y., Kinetically Controlling Surface Structure to Construct Defect-Rich Intermetallic Nanocrystals: Effective and Stable Catalysts. Advanced Materials, 28, 2540 (2016).
4. Wang, H.; Rong, H.*; Wang, D.; Li, X.; Zhang, E.; Wan, X.; Bai, B.; Xu, M.; Liu, J.; Liu, J.; Chen, W.; Zhang, J.*, Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 with Suppressing H2 Evolution by Plasmonic Au/CdSe–Cu2O Hierarchical Nanostructures under Visible Light. Small, 16, 2000426 (2020).
5. Yang, T.; Qin, F.; Zhang, S.; Rong, H.*; Chen, W.*; Zhang, J.*, Atomically Dispersed Ru in Pt3Sn Intermetallic Alloy as an Efficient Methanol Oxidation Electrocatalyst. Chemical Communications, 57, 2164 (2021).