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yl6809永利(中国)官方网站 - BinG百科 首页 - 师资队伍 - 杰出人才 - 青年人才


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  • 基本信息

           2016年入选中组部“海外高层次人才”青年项目资助。入选2009年英国伦敦帝国理工学院优秀博士学位论文。2013年入选美国福特汽车公司成立150周年科技进步奖; 2018年被汽车工程学会聘为汽车轻量化技术团体标准专家组专家;获2019yl6809永利官网人才类表彰;2020年获军委科技委基础加强项目首席科学家。
           现任科技部重点研发项目评委,国家自然基金重点项目评委,国家留学基金委中英合作项目评委,工信部“两机专项”评审专家,教育部人才项目评审专家,美国金属学会科技图书编委、热处理分会常委,中国有色金属学会、中国铝业协会特聘专家,中国汽车工程学会出版委员会委员。 讲授课程:
            (6)创业启动支持计划创新支持子项目(启动类),3090050321905,工信部,2019.08~2022.08, 6万,在研,主持
            (8)航天科工“关键材料基因数据库平台”重点项目,BIT_RDC_201831541004,航天科工集团,2018.06~2022.06, 30万,在研,主持
            (9)“十三五”国家“两机专项”,2017-VI-0003-0073,工信部,2018.08~2021.10, 135万,结题,参与
            (10)海外高层次青年人才资助项目,第12 批,中组部,2016.09~2020.09,100万元,已结题,主持

  • 教育经历

    •2005.9-2009.1 英国伦敦帝国理工大学材料系 博士
    •2002.9-2005.7 北京科技大学机械学院热能工程系 硕士
    •1998.9-2002.7 北京科技大学机械学院热能工程系 学士

  • 工作经历

    •2016.9-今 yl6809永利官网 教授
    •2014.1-2016.9 美国凯撒铝业公司 合金设计专家
    •2010.4-2013.12 美国福特汽车公司 研究员
    2009.1-2010.3 英国伦敦帝国理工大学材料系 博士后

  • 研究领域


  • 代表论著

           发表论文60余篇,在Additive Manufacturing (1篇), Corrosion Science (1篇), Materials Science and Engineering A(2篇), Scripta Materialia(1篇), Journal of Materials Science & Technology (1篇), Materials Characterization (1篇), Journal of Alloys and Compounds(6篇), Materials Today Communications(6篇), Computational Materials Science(6篇)等高水平国际期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者50篇,SCI他引200余次;申请专利10项,授权专利1项;多次受邀参加国内外学术会议担任分会主席并作邀请报告。与英国伦敦大学Peter D. Lee院士合作撰写的本领域权威著作《美国金属手册》1卷,独立撰写《美国金属手册》2卷。
    1.Cheng peng Xue, Yuxuan Zhang, Pengcheng Mao, Changmeng Liu, Yueling Guo, Feng Qian, Chi Zhang,Keli Liu,Mingshan Zhang, Shuiyuan Tang, Junsheng Wang*,Improving mechanical properties of wire arc additively manufactured AA2196 Al–Li alloy by controlling solidification defects, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 43, July 2021, 102019
    2.Shuo Wang, Chi Zhang; Xin Li, Junsheng Wang*, Xin Li, Uncovering the influence of Cu on the thickening and strength of the delta '/theta '/delta ' nano-composite precipitate in Al-Cu-Li alloys, Journal of Materials Science, June 2021, 5616, 10092-10107
    3.Xinghai Yang, Junsheng Wang*, Mingshan Zhang, Chi Zhang, Chengpeng Xue, Yueling Guo, Xiaoguang Liu, Achieving high strength and ductility of Al-Cu-Li alloy via creep aging treatment with different pre-strain levels Materials Today Communications, 29 (2021) 102898
    4.Dongxu Chen, Junsheng Wang*, Chi Zhang, Coupling phase-field model and CFD for hot cracking predictions of Al-Li alloys. Computational Materials Science 2021, 192.
    5.Keli Liu; Junsheng Wang*; Bing Wang; Pengcheng Mao; Yanhong Yang; Yizhou Zhou, In-situ X-ray tomography investigation of pore damage effects during a tensile test of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy, Materials Characterization, July 2021, 177, 111180
    6.Keli Liu, Junsheng Wang*, Yanhong Yang, Yizhou Zhou, Yuansheng Yang, Chunjie Cao, An integrated microporosity model of 3D X-ray micro-tomography and directional solidification simulations for Ni-based single crystal superalloys, Computational Materials Science, Feb. 2021, 188, 110172
    7.Xin Li, Chen Liu, Junsheng Wang*, Chi Zhang,Tailoring the strength and formability of Mg alloys through rare earth element additions (Gd and Dy) and dynamic recrystallizations,Materials Today Communications 28 (2021) 102627
    8.Shuo Wang, Chi Zhang, Xin Li, Houbing Huang, Junsheng Wang*, First-principle investigation on the interfacial structure evolution of the delta '/theta '/delta ' composite precipitates in Al-Cu-Li alloys, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Dec. 2020, 58,205-214
    9.Xin Li, Chi Zhang, Junsheng Wang*. Atomic-level insights into nano-salt droplets wetting on the MgO surface using molecular dynamics simulations. Corrosion Science 2020, 167.
    10.Junsheng Wang*, Simultaneously improving strength and ductility of AZ91-type alloys with minor Gd addition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019, 803: 689-699.

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