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  yl6809永利官网和校微纳中心将于11月1日上午9时,邀请国际知名学者、美国Clemson大学孙亚平教授作题为“碳纳米材料--从碳量子点到石墨烯纳米片”, 欢迎关心碳材料及相关科学的老师与同学参与交流。

  题  目:Carbon Nanomaterials-from Carbon “Quantum” Dots to Graphene Sheets

  报告人:Professor Sun Ya Ping The Clemson Faculty

  时  间:2011 年 11月1日(周二) 上午9:00

  地  点:五号教学楼502-1会议室


  孙亚平教授是美国克莱姆森大学的终身教授,“Frank Henry Leslie Chair Professor of Natural and Physical Sciences”讲席教授,是碳纳米材料领域的著名专家,在富勒烯、碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳量子点的化学和生物学研究方面都取得了重要的研究成果。孙亚平教授发表了240余篇论文,包括在顶级杂志Nature, JACS, Acc. Chem. Res., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Adv. Mater., ACS Nano和Nano Lett.发表论文超过40篇,其中在化学类顶级期刊JACS上发表论文30篇。论文引用超过10,000次。此外,还主编了“Supercritical Fluid Technology in Materials Science and Engineering:Synthesis, Properties, and Applications”一书,并参与撰写了16本专著。因为他杰出的科学成就,孙亚平教授获得了包括南卡州“Governor's Young Scientist Award for Excellence in Scientific Research”等多项奖项。


  (1) Carbon Nanotubes and Nanosheets and Related Nanocomposite Materials for Novel Electrical and Thermal Properties and Applications (including those in biology and medicine).

  (2) Carbon Dots as a New Class of Photoactive Nanomaterials for Optical Bioimaging and Other Fundamental Development and Technological Applications.

  (3) Nanoenergetics and Novel Materials for New Energy Initiatives.

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